Pet Hair Vacuum Cleaner
Reviews of the Pet Vacuums Available on the Market

ECOVACS DEEBOT N78 robot vacuum cleaner review

Ecovacs Deebot N78 Robot Vacuum Cleaner
PHVC Live mark
Random navigation
Return to dock
36 Wh battery
Round shape
High-Efficiency filtration
20 watts input power
2 side brushes
3.3 inches height
0.5 liters dustbin
108 minutes runtime

Sweeping and mopping floors are not some of the most interesting house chores and many people find such tasks quite difficult to carry out on a daily basis. Nonetheless, this robotic vacuum cleaner does the job pretty well and makes things so much easier. The kind of dirt that this pet vacuum is able to clean up includes small debris such as bread cramps, all kinds of pet hairs and fur, human hair and fine dust.

Using this robotic vacuum cleaner is also quite convenient as you will be able to clean even the hard to reach spots such as under the bed and corners on the floor. With a height of only 3.3 inches, the robotic vacuum cleaner will conveniently crawl into these spots ensuring that each inch of your floor is perfectly cleaned. When compared to its peers, this vacuum is sold at a medium price and it may as well be considered a bargain considering the features that it has.

Main Features of the Deebot N78

Three cleaning stages with an optional Mop

This robotic vacuum cleaner is able to sweep, vacuum and mop your floor in one pass. All that you have to do is to choose which cleaning mode you want and it will set out to do the job diligently.

Ecovacs Deebot N78 Robot Vacuum Cleaner 3 cleaning stages

For the sweeping function, you should attach the two side brushes at the front of the robotic cleaner. The brushes will rotate in opposing motion thus sweeping any dirt into the center of the vacuum and as the vacuum passes by, it will suction up the dirt into the dustbin and move on. When you want to mop the floor using this robotic vacuum, you have to fill the optional water reservoir with water or any convenient cleaning agent and attach the washable microfiber cleaning cloth. This way, the cleaning agent will wet the cleaning cloth which is dragged over your floor providing a clean soft mop of your floors.

Ecovacs Deebot N78 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Water tank

Remote control and programmable cleaning

The robotic vacuum comes equipped with a programmable remote control. Using this remote control you can be able to program or schedule auto cleaning of your floor. The vacuum will thus be cleaning the house daily at a specific time. Apart from scheduling the cleaning times, the remote control also helps to manipulate the vacuum’s movement and you can easily send it back to its charging dock when it’s done cleaning.

Ecovacs Deebot N78 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Remote Control

Three cleaning modes

You can choose to have AUTO, EDGE or SPOT cleaning mode. The AUTO is for everyday cleaning where the robot is programmed to start cleaning the floor by itself at a certain time of the day. SPOT mode, on the other hand, can be used to clean a particular spot on the floor where there is concentrated dirt. On this mode, the vacuum will clean around the specified area for about 2-5 minutes before heading back to its charging dock . Lastly, you can select the EDGE mode which is basically for cleaning edges and corners of the floor that most other vacuums would find it challenging to clean.

Automatic return to charging dock

When using this robotic vacuum, you don’t have to worry about charging it manually or it getting stuck somewhere on the floor because of low battery. This is because the vacuum has a smart feature where once the battery gets low, it automatically returns to its charging dock.

Ecovacs Deebot N78 Robot Vacuum Cleaner charging dock

Even though its navigation might get a little bit confused and do a number of unnecessary turns, the vacuum always finds its charging dock and recharges except when the charging dock is in a different room. However, when fully charged, the battery lasts for about 110 minutes before a recharge is necessary and it’s most likely that within this period the vacuum would have already finished cleaning the floor of the house, or at least the room that it is in and so the work wouldn’t be left halfway done. It takes about 4 hours for the battery to fully recharge.

Ecovacs Deebot N78 Robot Vacuum Cleaner in the charging dock

Object detection and stairs safety features

Equipped with multiple sensors on its base and sides, this robotic vacuum is able to “see” objects and avoid bumping into them as well as detect staircase edges so as not to fall off. The robot thus smartly maneuvers around objects like table stands and any other furniture. It is also able to clean up to the edges of stairs but avoid falling off. Nonetheless, the navigation system is not perfect and once in a while the vacuum might knock around objects on the floor, but this is not very common.

Smart Motion Technology

This technology enhances the cleaning efficiency of the vacuum. What it does is that it enables the vacuum to pass through each spot on the floor several times so as to clean the floor multiple times leaving it spotlessly clean.

Quiet operation

This vacuum is very silent in its operation. In fact, when compared to its peers, it is one of the quietest robotic cleaners. You can comfortably carry on with other house chores, make a call or watch TV as it continues cleaning without any disturbance or interference in terms of noise.


This robotic vacuum is easy to use requiring little to no maintenance. You only need to push a button to set it to work and you can as well easily manipulate its movement by use of the remote control. The dustbin size is also quite reasonable and doesn’t fill up quite often even when cleaning on a daily basis. Thus, the only maintenance that you need to do often is cleaning the filter and the washable cloth as well as emptying the dustbin when it is full.

Ecovacs Deebot N78 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Maintenance


This vacuum works best on hard floors but not as good on carpets. Also, it may, at times pick up loose objects such as cables and get stuck. Thus, you should pick up all loose objects on the floor before setting the vacuum to work. In addition, the water reservoir is pretty small and can be frustrating when cleaning larger floor areas as the cleaning solvent empties quickly. However, in order to avoid this problem, it is better to clean small sections of the floor, probably one room at a time.


This robotic vacuum cleaner offers a pretty impressive overall performance. It can adequately vacuum all types of floors and carpets, getting rid of all pet hairs and other kinds of dirt and debris. It can also sweep and mop the floor thus, you don’t need to lift a finger when it comes to floor cleaning duties. Probably this is best robotic vacuum cleaner in terms of price per features offered.

ECOVACS DEEBOT N78 specifications

Bag typeBagless
Navigation PatternRandom
Return to dockYes
Battery energy36 Wh
Filtration EfficiencyHigh-Efficiency
Input power20 watts
Side brushes2
Height3.3 inches
Weight7.7 pounds
Dustbin capacity0.5 liters
Runtime108 minutes
Remote controlYes
Battery replacementYes
Battery typeNi-MH
Warranty period1 years
Warranty typeLimited
Cleaning path13.9 inches
Length13.9 inches
Width13.9 inches

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